LGBTQArchitect is a tool that allows existing and starting LGBTQ Centers and Programs the opportunity to compare and share information in an open-source environment. It builds upon the current Consortium website and resources by providing exact forms, background documentation and information to build new programs and add to ones we are already providing.

Many of us working on LGBTQ+ programs have found ourselves using precious time and energy creating "from-scratch" resources common to most campuses. In order to help newer programs getting started and existing programs improve, we adopted an open-content approach to soliciting, organizing and ultimately sharing the most commonly used documents and tools of our profession. The LGBTArchitect originated as a grass-roots project at The Pennsylvania State University. It is designed to share examples of day-to-day resources and information used by LGBTQ+ resource centers and programs around the country with the hope of improving our work collectively, as a national and international community of learners, advocates and educators.

The LGBTQArchitect is currently supported by the UC Riverside LGBT Resource Center under the direction of Nancy Jean Tubbs. 

MISSION: The LGBTQArchitect is a grass-roots, open-content project designed to provide immediately useable information and resources for creating and improving programs which support lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and ally (LGBTQ+) people on college and university campuses.

VISION: LGBTQArchitect serves students, staff, faculty, administrators and community members by providing relevant, high-quality and accessible resources for LGBTQ+ programs and services.

OPEN-CONTENT: LGBTQArchitect contains sample documents, presentations, digital publications and other media that is open for you to modify and adapt for your needs. As users of this content you are obligated to cite the original authors and source of the materials, but you are also strongly encouraged to modify them in new and creative ways and to share your modifications by contributing them back to LGBTQArchitect. See the Copyright & Usage page for more information about citing and using the materials provided.

HISTORY: The project was originally funded by a grant from the Calamus Foundation. The Pennsylvania State University is the intellectual owner of the product, and the staff of the PSU LGBTA Student Resource Center—Faina Bukher (Summer Graduate Intern), Christian Matheis (Assistant Director), and Monica Patterson (Graduate Assistant)—under the leadership of director Allison Subasic, provided the initial direction, resource collection and organization for the project. The Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Resource Professionals provided summer graduate interns to assist with the project and originally provided the hosting for the web version of the project. This website was developed by Too Fabulous For Words with assistance from Joshua Lenes, who also developed the initial CD-ROM version.

 Interested in being involved in maintaining and improving the Architect? Email Nancy Jean Tubbs, M.S. at [email protected]