Consortium EngagementsThroughout the year, the Consortium offers a number of different events and engagements to its members. All engagements are completely free for members to attend, unless otherwise noted. Our major offerings include: Affinity CallsWe offer time and space for various subgroups of members within the Consortium to meet. These virtual Affinity Calls are primarily facilitated by regular members that belong to that group and are given training and support by the Executive Board. The specific affinity groups meeting and the frequency of active groups' meetings depends on membership interest and facilitator availability. To see what groups are currently running, click here. Annual Center Awareness Day WebinarLGBTQ+ Center Awareness Day is October 19th and each year on that date (or near it), the Consortium hosts a Center Awareness Day webinar featuring some of the brightest people in our field speaking on pressing topics that are of interest to anyone who works in LGBTQ+ student services. To read more about this series, click here. Annual Virtual Drive-In and Business MeetingAs a registered 501(c)3, the Consortium is required to host an annual business meeting to offer updates on the current financial status and overall health of the organization with members. We pair this meeting with a virtual summit for members to connect with one another, share knowledge through facilitated workshops, and get updates on the most exciting work of the Consortium. The nominees and winners of the year's Consortium Awards are also recognized at the summit. To learn about current and upcoming VDIs, click here. ACPA Pre-Convention Workshops and EngagementsSince 2024, the Consortium has organized a Pre-Convention Workshop for the annual national ACPA conference centered on the work of LGBTQ+ centers, resource practitioners, and supporters within and around the field of higher education. Additionally, the Consortium typically facilitates individual workshops, highlight member-facilitated sessions, and host member socials. Click here to see more details about the Consortium at ACPA. Please note: Members do not get free access to the Consortium Pre-Convention and must register and pay the associated fee. Members may be eligible for a discounted rate to the Pre-Convention and/or main ACPA conference. National Conference PresenceWhile the Consortium's primary conference presence takes place at ACPA, we also aim to connect members attending other conferences as well. Depending on who is attending a given conference, there may be a formal social or an informal invitation to link up. For more information on the Consortium's engagement with non-ACPA conferences, click here. Other WebinarsIn addition to the annual Center Awareness Day Webinar and Virtual Drive-In, the Consortium also organizes two more webinars on various topics that are important to members each year. Speakers are often members with particular expertise to share. To see past and upcoming webinars, click here. Membership EventsThe Consortium may host additional events and meetings for members depending on observed needs, member suggestions, and organizing capacity. See the Events Calendar here for other upcoming events. Regional EventsThe various Regional Representatives may also organize meetups at local conferences, virtual gatherings, and events for the members of a specific region. See the Events Calendar for region-specific events or reach out to your Regional Representative to express interest in a regional event!