Executive BoardThe Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Resource Professionals is run on a volunteer basis by members of the organization. Any member is qualified to run for a position in elections when they are open, including staff within and outside of LGBTQ+ centers, faculty of any department, students, and professionals outside of but affiliated with the work of higher education LGBTQ+ resourcing and support.
More information about the positions and governance structure is available on our members-only Consortium Governance Documents page.
Collective DirectorsThese positions oversee the vital functions of the Consortium and act as leads to the individual collectives. Contact them for general inquiries and how to connect with the organization at [email protected].
Membership Engagement CollectiveThis collective is primarily responsible for the educational, professional, and social offerings of the Consortium. Contact them for questions about regions, events, and constituency support at [email protected].
Organization Operations CollectiveThis collective oversees the logistical functions of the Consortium, as well as directing communication efforts. Contact them for questions about membership, budget, co-sponsorships, and media/marketing at [email protected].
Community and Advocacy CollectiveThis collective handles the development of policy and practice documents, responses to major events affecting Consortium members, and major partnerships. Contact them for questions about best practices, research, external relationships, and press releases at [email protected].