
For more information about webinars email the Membership Engagement Collective at [email protected]

Upcoming Webinars 

Information about upcoming webinars coming soon. 

Previous Webinars 

Envisioning Our Collective Future: Centering Blackness In LGBTQ Resource Work (October 2020)

(Video Link) 

Recent examples of racial injustice continue to increase our awareness that racism and anti-Blackness deeply impact our communities and reasserts calls for intentional change and positive action. As we begin the new academic year it is important for LGBTQ+ resource professionals to continue engage in conversations about the impact of anti-Blackness within colleges, universities, and our profession. Join Black colleagues and members of the Consortium Board for a conversation to deepen our understanding of experiences of Black colleagues; interrogating the culture of anti-Blackness and anti-racism within our profession; and moving towards creating more equitable, inclusive spaces for Black colleagues in LGBTQ+ resource work.


Decentering Whiteness Webinar Series (Summer 2018)

Based on conversations and feedback from our queer and trans colleagues of color and the 2017 Creating Change Consortium institute, a subcommittee of Consortium board members has been working collaboratively to develop a monthly webinar series on how we as white practitioners can truly ground our work in racial justice and decenter whiteness on our campuses, in our field, and in our lives. Our goals for these upcoming webinars are to:

  • Engage membership in discussions on decentering whiteness as part of our commitment to racial justice as a profession
  • Provide spaces for members to learn from and engage with one another through building a community of practice
  • Spark ongoing work and additional opportunities to continue engaging membership in the the work of racial justice

Each webinar will be facilitated by a pair and will be on topics related to decentering whiteness and interrupting white supremacy in our lives and work.  Queer and trans people of color are welcome to join and engage in or observe the space. However, we do want to provide a content warning that in these spaces we hope white folks will process our thoughts and behaviors in a learning environment so we can address them and discuss and tactics of decentering whiteness. Additionally, we will provide reference documents (articles, videos, etc.) selected in advance of each call that will be shared with membership so there is a common ground to work. For example, “White Supremacy Culture,” from Dismantling Racism: A Workbook for Social Change Groups by Kenneth Jones and Tema Okun.