Help me with my dissertation research by sharing the included recruitment information with your campus communities.
Assist Tegra Myanna in their dissertation research! Tegra is conducting a research study on the experiences of queer and trans undergraduate engineers. Their study entitled “Queer & Trans Undergraduate Engineers: A Comparison Study on the Relationship Among Sense of Belonging, Campus Climate, and Science Identity for Students at Institutes of Technology and Comprehensive Universities" aims to examine how campus climate and science identity predict sense of belonging among LGBTQIA (QT) undergraduate engineering students. This study is being conducted under the supervision of Dr. Katie Koo in the Department of Counseling and Human Development at the University of Georgia. IRB Project 00008030.
Tegra is inviting all QT undergraduate engineering students at your campus to participate by completing their 15-minute survey. https://research.uga.edu/hrpp/irb/
Survey Link: https://bit.ly/QT_engineers
Tegra Myanna (they/them)
[email protected] |